Vaping & ingesting essential oils can be dangerous. A decade ago when studying advanced aromatherapy I learned about aromatherapy chemicals in some oils that were toxic to kidneys, liver and even neurotoxins. Neurotoxins are toxins that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue (causing neurotoxicity). Hence why unsafe to ingest or smoke essential oils. Some oils contain oxides and that naturally occurring chemical is a neurotoxin. Inhaling or applying topically with a carrier oil is much safer and more effective.
Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to ask me before you explore unknown risks with oils and your families health. I have been teaching government recognized Aromatherapy Certification courses for nearly 20 years.
Still shocked at how people use hot oil on babies/children, or encourage you to do ignorant things like put clove oil on your babies teething gums. Put that on your gums, see how that tastes/feels. You are not a damn zombie, you are a free thinker!
This is to make you aware. You should not be eating or smoking essential oils. I can almost guarantee you anyone that says different is part of MLM and sadly focused more on money than your health. Or they would do the research instead of arguing science
Safety first! Just look into things before you jump into the hype. Aromatherapy is an exciting healing field with hundreds of applications and benefits for heaps of conditions.
Our Aromatherapy Certification course runs tri-annually.