What was my pivotal switch to a natural lifestyle was the question…
Well my parents travelled a lot with my brother and I, by the time I was twelve I had seen much of Canada and the U.S.A.
Dad is Native American, less stonic now remains intensively spiritual, entertaining, generous and spontaneously fun. Mom French Canadian was always pretty organic, making all meals, desserts, pickling and gardening, waxing our legs and making facial masks from the fridge.
Having eczema covering my body since 2 years of age, my self-confidence was low with nicknames like snake skin and lizard girl. Children can be cruel. Many dermatologists gave me cortisone steroid for a 20 year period and my skin became blotchy, paper thin and tore very easily. I knew this was not healing and the more I looked into steroids the more I knew there had to be a better way. You see, I believe we are made perfectly and our bodies just scream out with irritation to express body talk and us to awaken, make informed choices and to do the right thing, that is gingerly take care.
Inspired by family business, and after managing a restaurant at 17, I went to school for business marketing at Mohawk College. Upon graduation, I wasn’t sure where I belonged and what I wanted to do so I bought a flight to Europe, opening a portal to a travel bug that would lead to many rich adventurous and unforgettable life lessons. Europe has accessible travel channels to explore architecture, art museums, Hungarian Bath Houses (heaven), café and pub cultural ( I was 20).
Once out of money but not yet ready to come home I jumped on a 3 day fairy to explore a few months in Israel and Egypt. I was swallowed by timeless beauty, spirit, landscape, history, food, and joy of the people. I love their huge markets, music, floating in the Dead Sea, and I must say snorkeling in the Red Sea was finer than nearly any dives I have done on the Great Barrier Reef.
I travelled for nearly 4 years. I was blessed to live with a Bedouin in Egypt and Maoris in New Zealand and with many organic teachings and cultural experiences along my path.
As I backpacked with a tent following rainforest, waterfalls and 5 of the top 10 world beaches in Australia for a year, I met many legends living self sustainably in the forest. Love that land, people are just like us, but more playful, organic and the accent sooths me.
I met many natural practitioners who taught me about acidic foods and to focus my healing with blood cleansing plants, alkalinity, good fats, and Kombucha healing fungi.
I travelled to hot springs in Iceland, Alaska and Florida to aid my skin, all having soothing effects but it was The Dead Sea had a profound effect on aiding to clear my skin. (We are now the largest carriers of magnesium chloride in Canada and guarantee the lowest price.) My skin has been clear of eczema for nearly 15 years now and I am a passionate alternative nutritionist and eco skin consultant.
Upon returning to Canada, I was inspired to plunge into this holistic career. In 1998 upon graduating from Alternative Nutrition, Herbology, Iridology, Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology and Reiki, and I established Inner Insights.
Through the years I have had many practitioners and teachers up my game but adding several tools to my holistic artillery belt. Continuously inspired to learn more I have since graduated from Massage Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage, Advanced Aromatherapy program, Food Dharma, Reiki Master and more.
In my near 2 decades in practice I have seen clients go thru tremendous healing from nearly every disease you can imagine. I am passionate about Corporate Wellness and about inspiring individuals to get embrace and enjoy nurturing themselves naturally.
Did you know that:
- chloroform was found in fabric softens: EPA’s 1991 study.
- Methylene Chloride was banned in 1998 because it is a harmful cancer causing agent. There is no enforcement and it is still found in common shampoos cologne, paint and varnish remover.
- 95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds, derived from petroleum. They include benzene derivatives, aldehydes and many other known toxics and sensitizers-capable of causing cancer, birth defects, allergic reactions and central nervous system disorders (M.S. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Neurotoxins: At home and the workplace, Report by the Committee on Science & Technology, US House of Representatives, Sept. 16, 1986.
Safe and effective perfumes and bug repellants take a little time or money to make. Sad to hear natural bug repellants have become illegal to sell in health food stores unless they contain DEET.
I believe there is an abundance of natural medicine with little to no side effects and it costly respectively very little cost to heal rather than band aid a symptom.
My precious child is the epitome of natural healthcare. We have travelled to several 2 and 3 world countries and he never gets sick and has never needed to visit a doctor. I had a home birth, umbilical cord was not cut until clear for stem cells, I nursed him for over 2 years, choose not to vaccinate him, raised him mostly vegetarian and he is now nearly 16 years of age, and built like a healthy horse.
I love inspiring individuals to take responsibility and become a team player in their healthcare.
Inner Insights offers various retreats including our Annual Goddess Retreat. Come whip up some eco goodies like deodorants, soaps, lip balms at weekly workshops. Enjoy a detox with an iridology assessment, truly fascinates me more than anything else I’ve learnt. We offer full mobile eco spa services; we are the exclusive spa to Marriott Residence Inn London. We offer Massage Programs in Deep Tissue Aromatherapy, Aroma Hot Stone and a Holistic Aroma Spa and have student clinic available to the public for 60% off our regular rates.
We look forward to exceeding your expectations of exceptional Wellness Programs, Eco Spa Products, Spa Services, Retreats, and Workshops.
We thrive and evolve with your feedback. February 28, 2015 will mark Inner Insights 17th anniversary. Thank you for all your support.
Stephie Cyr