A cold compress* is used for acute injuries, showing the cardinal signs of inflammation-P.R.I.S.H.
- Pain-generally above 6 out of 10 on personal pain scale
- Redness-Check both sides for comparison
- Immobility- Check both sides for comparison
- Swelling- Check both sides for comparison
- Heat-Check both sides for comparison
P.R.I.S.H. should be treated with R.I.C.E.
Rest-No weight bearing activities while these signs of acuteness are showing
Ice-Apply ice or cooling compress
Compress* -Add 4-8 drops of essential oils to 1/2 tbsp. olive/coconut oil and apply for 20 minutes (juniper Berry, Chamomile, Sweet Marjoram are my favourites for this)
Elevate-Above the heart
- Cold constricts blood vessels, thus reduces pain and swelling in acute states.
- All other aches and pains should be treated with heat to increase circulation, reduce compression, and increase healing time.
Aids to Chronic & Dull Pain Relief:
Massage-Skilled therapists can offer pain relief with traction, deep tissue, pressure point, stretch & relax techniques and many more to lubricate your joints, release tension, and rejuvenate your spirit
Dead Sea Salts Bath 1-2 cups, Soak for 20 minutes
Hot Compresses* add 4-8 drops of essential oils to 1/2 tbsp. olive/coconut oil and apply for 20 minutes (juniper Berry, Chamomile, Sweet Marjoram are my favourites for this)
Yoga or Stretch that area and the connecting tissues above and below…i.e. for lower back try a figure four stretch and also touching your shins or toes for 30 seconds x3 times in a row x 3 sets per day. This will stretch your torso, gluts, lower back and hamstrings.
* You can use a hot/cold water bottle, wet facecloth or a grain bag for your compress.