Restorative Retreat -Massage, Yoga, Detox & Superfoods

FreshJuice YogaRetreat

Workshop Dates -available by request

12-5 pm  $265

12-5pm  $265

1 hour Aromatherapy Massage

Destress, Detox & Empowerment workshop

We’ll explore Protective Self Defense with mindfulness in our opening ceremony.

De-stressing techniques such as gentle yoga, guided meditation and mantras and affirmations.  Then enjoy delicious juices and Superfood snacks with Detox 101. Learn techniques with foods & fasting, and various natural cleanses for clarity of mind, body and a rejuvenated spirit. Receive a mini iridology assessment and focus on your top 2 missions towards better health.

We want to empower you to optimize your health, vitality and peace!  Awaken your inherent intuition, and achieve your soul’s truest desire Co-create your dreams with the power of positive thinking, yoga, cleanses and strengthening and a few healthy supplements. Listen to your body & soul to spark your spirit and empower yourself naturally.

Restorative Yoga, Intuition and Meditation with gentle movement and postures.  Grounded in traditional lineage bringing balance to strengthen concentration and clear a cluttered mind. Relaxation to release stress and to lighten the body, mind and heart.

Mantras and Affirmations experience the powerful effect of sound energy, combined with affirmations used to activate new pathways  and remove unwanted pathways.

Stephie Cyr established Inner Insights in 1998 and is an Holistic Nutritionist, Aromatherapy Deep Tissue Massage Instructor, Practitioner of several holistic services & facilitator of Wellness Programs and Goddess Retreats.  Holistic lifestyle is her passion & she enjoys sharing to inspire individuals.  Her success with natural remedies for stress relief techniques, rehabilitation, cleanse and protection are empowering and unforgettable.